Use Cancel when stopping a Delete operation in the Select Activity window

This technote identifies a defect in IBM® Rational® ClearCase® Remote Client where pressing the close, X, button on the Select Activities window when deleting an element incorrectly proceeds with the file removal when it should act the same as clicking Cancel (to stop the delete operation).

When you right-click a file in CCRC and choose Edit > Delete, then pressYes to the first dialog, it brings up the Select Activity window.

From this window, if you select an activity from the drop-down list, then click the close (X) button at the top right of that window to close the window, the action is not cancelled (as expected), instead it proceeds as if "OK" were clicked and deletes the file.


Defect APAR PK61606 has been opened to investigate this issue.

To be added to the list of clients reporting this issue, contact IBM Rational ClearCase support.
Diagnosing the problem

Problem Scenario:
  1. Attempt to delete a file from a CCRC view

  2. Click Yes when prompted with Delete Resources Confirmation.

  3. Select an Activity from the drop-down list, then click the X button to close the Select Activity window when prompted.

  4. The following message is displayed and the file is deleted.

Resolving the problem

There is currently no resolution available for this defect.


Use Cancel on the Select Activity dialog box instead of the X button to close the window to cancel the deletion of the file, rather than proceed with the removal operation.

Note: If there is no activity selected in the drop-down, then the close, X, button performs as it should and closes the dialog, and no delete operation is performed.

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