RSA/RAD 7.0 .compatibility file constantly needs checkout/checkin within CCRC 7.0.1

This technote identifies a defect affecting the IBM® Rational® ClearCase® Remote Client (CCRC) where the .compatibility file is constantly checkedout and checked-in from the Rational Software Architect (RSA) and Rational Application Developer (RAD) 7.0 applications.

While sharing RAD projects within a team, you are required to checkout the.compatibility file constantly.


Defect RATLC01159075 has been submitted to address this issue.
Resolving the problem

There is currently no solution for this defect.


  1. Checkout and check-in the files as requested.

  2. Make required changes to the project.

  3. Manually merge the changes in the .compatibility file.

    Refer to technote 1247619 for further information about the.compatibility file.

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