Moving a UCM version in a change set from one activity to another

From the ClearCase Project Explorer:

  1. Highlight the stream and select the activity from which you want to move the versions.

  2. Right-click to bring up the properties of the activity.

  3. Select the Change Set tab, select the Change Set and right-click on it to bring up a context menu.

  4. Select "Move to Activity...".

  5. From the available list of activities choose an existing one or choose to create a new activity by selecting the "New" button and creating the new activity.

  6. Highlight the activity to which you want to move the versions to and click OK.

  7. Click OK again.

From the command line:
  1. Change directory (cd) to the view that is associated with the stream which contains the change set and activity to be moved.

  2. M:\test_proj1>cleartool lsact -long new
    activity "new"
    13-Jul-01.13:10:47 by username.cc_users@username_ntw
    owner: username
    group: CC_USERS
    stream: test_proj1.9907@\test_pvob
    title: new
    change set versions:

  3. M:\test_proj1>cleartool chact -fcset new -tcset MOVED M:\test_proj1\test_comp\dir1\mytext.txt@@\main\test_proj1.9907\1
    Moved version "M:\test_proj1\test_comp\dir1\mytext.txt@@\main\test_proj1.9907\1"
    from activity "new" to activity "MOVED".

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