Software Engineering Specialist
Rational Services Organization
As a consultant for Rational, I spend a great
deal of time working directly with Rational
customers. Typically, I work together with
Rational ClearCase® users to develop a
customized solution to whatever unique
challenge they are facing. Often in these
encounters, I have found the sometimes
overlooked ClearCase Automation Library (CAL)
to be an especially handy tool for accessing
and manipulating ClearCase data
programmatically in a wide variety of
Starting with ClearCase 4.0, both CAL and the
CAL documentation are automatically installed
with Rational ClearCase on Windows platforms.
CAL provides a set of COM (Component Object
Model) interfaces that are intended both as an
integration platform and also as an API (Application Program Interface) that
you can use to extend or customize Rational ClearCase. You can also use CAL
to write scripts, stand-alone programs, or macros embedded in other
applications. Because CAL is a COM-compliant library, you can use it from
within any tool that can interface with COM, including Visual Basic, Visual C++,
and Perl on Windows. Since COM is primarily a Windows-only technology, CAL
is not available on UNIX platforms.
In this article, I'm going to talk about why you might want to use CAL, and
some tools and resources that are useful for working with CAL in the Perl
programming language. I'll also walk through a fairly simple Perl application
that uses CAL as well as the Rational ClearQuest® API to generate a report
combining ClearCase and ClearQuest data. An in-depth discussion of the
Rational ClearQuest API is beyond the scope of this article, but it will be
addressed in an upcoming edition of The Rational Edge.
A Very Quick Tech Review
In general, the concepts I'll discuss here are fairly straightforward and should
be readily understandable by a technical audience. However, some basic
familiarity -- or expertise -- in the following areas will help you get the most
from this discussion:
l Software configuration management concepts in general and
Rational ClearCase in particular. A quick review: Rational ClearCase
is the market-leading tool for software asset management. Rational
ClearQuest is a highly flexible defect and change tracking tool. Together,
they enable Unified Change Management (UCM), Rational's out-of-the
box process for managing change at the activity level.
l The Perl Programming Language. Perl is a remarkably popular
programming language. Relatively easy to learn and often available for
free, it has been described as the duct tape of not only the Internet, but
also the entire computing world. If you're looking to learn Perl or just
brush up on it, I recommend Learning Perl (the book with the llama on
the cover) and for a more advanced reference Programming Perl1 (the
book with the camel on the cover), both from O'Reilly & Associates. The
latter title is included in the Perl CD Bookshelf -- see Useful Tools below.
l COM or Component Object Model. Developed by Microsoft, COM is a
standard that defines a mechanism for software components to interact
with each other. COM is an object-oriented technology, and its main
building blocks are objects, interfaces, methods, and properties. There
are numerous excellent resources and books on COM2, and even the
more basic ones should give you enough information to start using CAL.
Why CAL?
You may already be familiar with another common method of accessing
Rational ClearCase data from outside the Rational ClearCase user interface. The
cleartool utility is a command-line interface that you can use to create, modify,
and manage the information in Rational ClearCase VOBs (Versioned Object
Bases) and views. The flexibility and ease of use of cleartool makes it an ideal
solution for a wide range of problems. And in one sense, cleartool has always
offered a kind of API to ClearCase, for both Windows and UNIX platforms.
However, there are situations in which CAL offers a superior alternative to
cleartool -- specifically when speed and performance are factors.
Certain languages are not well suited to invoking command-line tools and
parsing the results; Visual Basic is a good example. Parsing results can be
somewhat difficult in the C programming language as well. Perl, on the other
hand, makes it easy to start command-line utilities and parse the results. But
even when using Perl, you may want greater speed. Because CAL does not
create a new process for each invocation, it can be considerably faster than a
solution that uses cleartool's command-line interface. When a program invokes
cleartool, the operating system must create a new process, and there is a
significant amount of overhead associated with starting that new process --
allocating memory for it, creating a new entry in the process table, and so on.
I recently did some very basic performance measurements by timing a task
that I completed with cleartool and then timing the same task using a CAL
implementation instead. For this specific operation, CAL was about 30 percent
faster. While these results are empirical, and fairly rough, they show that CAL
can offer a significant advantage when speed is important.
Useful Tools
Of course, CAL itself and the CAL documentation are essential for developing
Perl scripts that access ClearCase data (without using cleartool). If you've
installed Rational ClearCase, then you already have CAL and the documentation
on your system.
Documentation for CAL includes conceptual material, diagrams, several
examples, and reference pages for each interface in CAL. There are several
other tools -- some essential, some merely handy -- that I find valuable in
Perl/CAL development.
As I mentioned earlier, CAL is a standard COM interface, which means that it
will work with any tool that supports COM. This includes some, but not all,
versions of Perl. The version of Perl that comes with ClearCase, ccperl, does not
support COM. If you want to use CAL with Perl, you will need to use another
Perl distribution. I've found ActivePerl from ActiveState3 to be a great tool. It is
a nice, robust implementation, and best of all it is free. Plus, the ActivePerl
distribution includes a Perl package manager, which automatically finds and
installs Perl packages. This is helpful for COM developers because you have to
install a COM package in order to use COM in Perl.
The inexpensive Perl Development Kit, also available from ActiveState, is
another extremely useful tool. If you plan to do Perl development in any
serious sense, it is probably one of the best investments you can make. The
two components I have used most are the Perl debugger -- which allows you to
step through code, set breakpoints and watch variables -- and PerlApp, which
allows you to convert a Perl application into a completely self-contained
Windows program that can be run on any system, even if the system does not
have a Perl interpreter.
The second edition of the Perl CD Bookshelf from O'Reilly includes searchable
online copies of the following Perl references: Perl in a Nutshell, Programming
Perl, 3rd Ed., Perl Cookbook, Advanced Perl Programming, and Perl for System
Administration. This resource includes source code that you can cut-and-paste,
which is an exceptionally common (and convenient) practice in Perl
Programming. Legend has it that only one Perl program was ever written -- all
the rest were derived from it. I take a copy of this CD everywhere I go,
because it is just too useful to be without.
Some other tools and resources that are useful (but not required) in this
context include:
l Rational SoDA. Rational SoDA is an automated report generator that
has the ability to pull together static data from a variety of Rational
tools. For example, it can reach into Rational ClearCase and Rational
ClearQuest repositories, and build a report based on a template that you
define. However, Rational SoDA cannot perform interactive queries and
then take action based on the results -- something a Perl script can do
with ease.
l Rational ClearQuest API and Documentation. Like Rational
ClearCase, Rational ClearQuest also offers a COM library that you can
use to access its data. The Rational ClearQuest API is used by external
programs to view or modify the data that Rational ClearQuest stores in
the user database and schema repository. The sample Perl application
we'll look at in this article,, uses the Rational
ClearQuest API to query the Rational ClearQuest database.
l Visual Basic. I use Visual Basic to quickly develop prototypes and test
programs. Visual Basic has extensive COM support and a built-in IDE
(Integrated Development Environment), which makes it handy for
troubleshooting any problems you might have with COM interfaces,
including CAL. Visual Basic's object browser is also helpful for examining
COM interfaces in an easy-to-understand format.
A Sample Project
Recently, while working with a customer, I came across a situation ideally
suited to a CAL-based solution written in Perl. To understand this customer's
particular needs, a little background will be helpful. Rational ClearCase and
Rational ClearQuest store data in different data domains. Each tool provides
extensive reporting capabilities within its respective data domain. Rational
ClearCase uses cleartool subcommands such as cleartool find and cleartool
describe for locating and reporting on ClearCase-controlled data, and more
recent versions of ClearCase include ClearCase Report Builder, which uses a
library of report programs to support dozens of standard report options.
Rational ClearQuest uses Crystal Reports. There is, of course, integration
between the two tools that allows them to share data. For example, if you
enable UCM with Rational ClearQuest and Rational ClearCase, a link is made
between change requests and activities, so that when you access an activity in
Rational ClearCase, Rational ClearQuest gives you information about the
change request or defect associated with that activity.
Rational ClearQuest maintains information about the process, the state of the
activity, and so on; Rational ClearCase maintains the activity objects -- the
actual change set information. In UCM, that information always stays in the
Rational ClearCase database to avoid replicating information unnecessarily4.
Now, let's say you were doing a code review, and you wanted a report that
showed all the open and active defects in Rational ClearQuest, including the
state of the defect, the owner, etc. -- and you also wanted to include the
change set to show what code needed to be reviewed.
In fact, this is exactly what the customer wanted to do. The solution, as you
have probably guessed, was to write a simple Perl script that uses CAL and the
Rational ClearQuest API to create a report with just the change set information
that they needed.
Figure 1: The Perl Application Uses CAL and the Rational ClearQuest
The Perl application,, queries the Rational ClearQuest
database via the Rational ClearQuest API to obtain a list of ClearQuest records.
For each record, the program gets the Rational ClearCase UCM activity, and
uses CAL to extract the change set information for that activity. The program
then prints a report based on the data it finds.
Now let's look at the commented source code for As we
discuss the highlights and most important CAL-related aspects, you'll find it
helpful to refer to the full code to better see how the pieces fit together.
Because the application was actually developed for use in the real world, there
are some added features that make it easier to use, but that you would not
necessarily find in an example application focused solely on using CAL. For
example, although all of the options and parameters can be
set via the command line switches, there is also a Tk5-based graphical user
interface (GUI) that prompts the user for any missing information (see Figure
Figure 2: The Tk-Based Front End of
The sample program also includes an option for sending the output to an Excel
spreadsheet instead of printing it out. Finally, although use of the ClearQuest
API is an integral part of this sample application, we'll focus primarily on the
sections related to CAL. In particular, the steps used to access Rational
ClearQuest -- including creating a ClearQuest session, building the query, and
getting results -- are not explained in detail here.
A Walk Through the Code
The first important line to note in the script is the first non-comment line:
use Win32::OLE;
Essentially, this line includes the Win32::OLE package so that it can be used in
our script.
After the program has processed the command-line switches (or the input from
the GUI), and builds a list of ClearQuest records, it enters a loop that is
repeated for every ClearQuest record returned. In that loop, which appears
considerably later in the script, CAL is instantiated for any ClearQuest record
that contains a ucm_vob_object field. In UCM, the VOB object identifies the
change set associated with a particular activity. If the ClearQuest results
include an identifier for this object, then the script uses Win32::OLE to create a
new ClearCase Application object, as you can see below.
# If the CC activity ID is not null, then we need to use CAL
# to extract the changeset info from the CC activity object
print "Instantiating CAL\n" if $DEBUG;
my ($CCApp) = Win32::OLE->new("ClearCase.Application") or
die "Can't create ClearCase application object via
call to Win32::OLE->new(): $!";
The two entry points for interacting with CAL are the Application object and the
ClearTool object. Most applications -- including this sample application -- use
the Application object, as it exposes most of the CAL API. The ClearTool object
contains a single method, CmdExec, which can be used to execute a cleartool
subcommand string. This ensures that any capabilities in cleartool not covered
by the Application object are accessible programmatically. The code above
instantiates a ClearCase Application object named $CCapp. The my operator
simply limits the scope of the $CCApp variable. If the Application object cannot
be created, then the script terminates or "dies" with an appropriate error
message. The "print…$DEBUG" line in the code above and throughout the script
serves as a rudimentary -- but very common -- debugging mechanism. If you
don't want to use the Perl debugger, you can enable this verbose output by
simply un-commenting the $DEBUG = 1 line located near the start of the script.
Once we have an Application object, we use the Activity()method to obtain an
activity object from the value of the ucm_vob_object field that we obtained from
Rational ClearQuest, as shown below.
# Get an activity object from CAL
$myactivity = $CCApp->Activity($activity_id);
The result is an activity object, which I assign to $myactivity. To resolve the
names of objects in an activity's change set, Rational ClearCase requires a view
context. You can have ClearCase identify the best view heuristically, using the
NameResolverView property of the activity. This view can, in turn, be used to
resolve names of objects in the activity change set:
$view = $myactivity->NameResolverView;
To get the actual change set, we call the ChangeSet() method of the activity
object, which returns a Collection object containing change set entries or
# Get the activity's change set, which is a CCVersions collection
# Use the activity's "nameresolver view" for name resolution.
$ChangeSet = $myactivity->ChangeSet($view, "False");
$CS_Entries = $ChangeSet->Count;
At this point, the script enumerates the change set entries and accesses the
path name of each changed source file via the ExtendedPath property.
# Loop through the CCVersions collection, collecting the names of
# the versions for printing.
print "Getting ChangeSet info\n" if $DEBUG;
$CS_Index = 1;
while ($CS_Index <= $CS_Entries) {
$Version = $ChangeSet->Item($CS_Index);
$VersionPN = $Version->ExtendedPath;
After iterating over each element of the change set collection, the script prints
the results (or sends them to Microsoft Excel), and then repeats the process on
the next ClearQuest record until there are no more. Sample output from is shown in Figures 3A and 3B.
Figure 3A: Sample Standard Output from
Figure 3B: Sample Microsoft Excel Output from
What's Next?
The script is not exceptionally complicated. In fact, it uses
only a small subset of the capabilities offered by CAL. The CAL documentation
includes a comprehensive list of all the CAL interfaces, as well as additional
sample applications (including a couple more written in Perl). So, while illustrates only a fraction of what you can do with CAL, it
does show how useful and practical CAL can be with a minimum of effort. With
this small Perl program, we can see how easy it is to use CAL and the Rational
ClearQuest API to access Rational ClearCase and ClearQuest data
In fact, there are a myriad of different uses for CAL; and you've probably
already thought of a few yourself. One possible use that I have started to play
with is a kind of "release manager" application -- a utility that would present
the user with a choice of baselines from which to construct a particular
configuration and generate release notes based on the selected baseline.
Although I have not finished it yet, working on it has reminded me how
valuable CAL is, and how many possible applications it has. Once you start
using it, I'm sure you'll find even more.
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