Sticky bit on AIX set to /tmp using CCRC causes disk to fill up with temporary files

This technote identifies a defect that impacts IBM® AIX® hosts running Rational® ClearCase® Remote Client (CCRC) causing the /tmp directory to fill up.
A sticky bit was applied by an administrator to /tmp on an AIX host running Rational Web Platform (RWP) in order to prevent users from deleting each other's temp files. This caused the ClearCase Remote Client (CCRC) to create temporary files during add to source operations named aaaa* in /tmp (example: /tmp/aaaaaaa). CCRC is unable to properly remove these files due to the permissions applied on /tmp thus the directory fills up causing loss of disk space.

This has been reported as defect APAR IC48694.

This defect has been resolved in the following updates:

Full ClearCase
ClearCase LT
2003.06.00 UNIX

After installation of the patch, ClearCase will create a directory underneath /tmp for RWP and CCWeb/CCRC to use. Since the sticky bit will not propagate its permissions to the new directory, RWP will work without leaving the aaaaa* files around.


Create a script and or cronjob to delete these files from the /tmp directory on a scheduled basis to maintain control of disk space.

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