CCRC Web server URL is removed if all views are removed

This technote identifies a known defect that causes the connection information to the Rational Web Platform (RWP) server be lost when using the IBM® Rational® ClearCase® Remote Client (CCRC) interface.

When all of your CCRC web views are removed, the copy area or view root for each view is also removed.

This will delete the local path entry within the .ccase_wvreg file for each view. This file is where the CCRC Web server URL is cached; however, when the last view is removed, the URL is no longer referenced.


  1. Log into CCRC, then log out (or Close CCRC)

  2. Restart CCRC and notice the URL is remembered

  3. Remove all your views

  4. Restart CCRC and notice the URL is no longer remembered

Defect APAR PK43874 has been submitted to address this behavior.
Resolving the problem

There is currently no solution available for this defect.


At least one view must be maintained, and not removed, to prevent the URL from being removed.

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