Determine the view association of a UCM Activity from the command line

How can I determine which view (if any) is linked to an ClearCase UCM Activity from the command line

Views that are linked to a UCM Activity can be determined using the cleartool describe or the cleartool lsactivity -long command.

1. Set into any view
2. Mount and cd into the PVOB
3. Run the command cleartool describe activity:

Example: Windows example but same output for UNIX and Linux.

M:\View\PVOB> cleartool describe activity:MyActivity
activity "MyActivity"
created 13-Nov-05.19:57:35 by
owner: user
group: group
stream: My_Stream@\PVOB
current view: My_Dev_View
title: MyActivity
change set versions:
4. Run the cleartool lsactivity -long for the same output.


M:\View\PVOB> cleartool lsactivity -long MyActivity
activity "MyActivity"
13-Nov-05.19:57:35 by
owner: user
group: group
stream: My_Stream@\PVOB
current view: My_Dev_View
title: MyActivity
change set versions:

5. Use the -fmt switch to format your describe or lsactivity output. Review the ClearCase Reference Guide on the topic of fmt_ccase (cleartool man fmt_ccase) for more information on formatting strings for command output.


M:\View\PVOB> cleartool describe -fmt "%[view]p" activity:MyActivity

Note: If there is no line that specifies the current view returned in the output above, this means the activity is not linked to a view.


M:\View\PVOB> cleartool lsactivity -long MyActivity2
activity "MyActivity2"
13-Nov-05.19:57:35 by
owner: user
group: group
stream: My_Stream@\PVOB
title: MyActivity2

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