Tutorials to get going for CCRC

The CCRC Plug-In includes extensive help for using CCRC. You can find it in Rational Software Architect Help if you have installed the CCRC Plug-in. Rational Software Architect provides cheat sheets to guide you through some of its application development processes.

Each cheat sheet is designed to help you complete a task, and it lists the steps required. As you complete each step, the cheat sheet starts the required tools for you. If a step in the process does not require a tool, you click a button in the cheat sheet to move on to the next step. Help for a task is available in a single click, which eliminates searches through lengthy documentation. For more information, search for "cheat sheets" in the help. You can create your own cheat sheets, which is a great way to include customer-specific processes and information for remote developers.

Common CCRC actions of a developer

New users might ask "What can I do with CCRC that I cannot do with the SCM Adapter Plug-In?" This is the answer:

  • Install the CCRC Plug-In (one time)
  • Update the latest patches and fixes for the plug-in, if any (depends on the release cycle)
  • Create a CCRC view, and connect to it
  • Load required projects and folders
  • Import the required Team Project and project sets into the workspace
  • Work in a perspective until you are ready to check in files to the repository
  • Check out and check in files
  • If working with UCM, perform rebase and deliver operations
  • Update resources
  • Update the load rules
  • Search ClearCase repositories
  • Show the history of elements
  • Show the version tree of elements
  • Remove ClearCase views
  • Create baselines
  • Recommend baselines

Common issues raised by users when using CCRC

Many users are not aware of all of the operations that are available in CCRC, and mistake the SCM menus for CCRC menus. Few users think CCRC can handle large amounts of data, which is possible but is not recommended. Also, CCRC adds new features from release to release. Because of these frequent updates, you might think that CCRC does not support the specific function that you want to use, but that might not be true. You might not have the latest version of CCRC, so be sure to check the latest version to understand whether it includes what you want. Below are some suggestions for avoiding common problems:

  • Check for the latest CCRC update and fix
  • Avoid performing large updates when time does not permit
  • Disable the SCM Adapter when it is not in use
  • In UCM
    • Perform update, rebase, and deliver operations frequently
    • Complete the rebase operations as often as possible
    • Complete the deliver operations
    • Use the Make/Recommend baseline operation in CCRC


Given the nature of CCRC, it changes the way you as developers see the ClearCase world through a Rational Software Architect window. It provides the following advantages:

  • Ease of installation
  • Lightweight code base
  • Lower cost of ownership
  • Automated update mechanism
  • No server processes running on client hosts
  • No dependency on the operating system login ID matching the ClearCase ID on the client
  • Native look and feel – Windows and Linux look the same
  • A new perspective dedicated inside Rational Software Architect.

It takes just few minutes for you to get up and running in CCRC. It provides much more flexibility to do work (even in other machines) with less effort. In addition, it lets you do all of your work inside the Rational Software Architect workspace instead of searching for non-Rational Software Architect tools (like ClearCase Project Explorer and so on). Best of all, it works through WAN.

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