Triggers not firing when using ClearCase Remote Client (CCRC)

This technote explains why triggers might not fire when using a IBM® Rational® ClearCase® Remote Client.

Setting up a trigger on CCRC with a UNIX RWP server does not work.


The server config file (rwp.conf, ccrc.conf) can be modified to add environment variables, but the SetEnv variables are not being initialized.

Diagnosing the problem

You can display the current system environment for the CCRC server using the dump option in the CCRC server URL as follows:
  • Windows Server dump:
  • UNIX and Linux Server dump:

Refer to technote 1207634 Writing triggers for the ClearCase Remote Client for further information about displaying the system environment details.

Resolving the problem

Restarting Rational Web Platform (RWP) on the Web server will initialize the variables and triggers will then fire.

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