Checkout (reserved) an element that is already checked out (reserved) in another view

This technote explains how to checkout (reserved) an element that is already checked out (reserved) on the same branch in another IBM® Rational® ClearCase® snapshot or dynamic view.


One of two common scenarios is associated with this problem:

  1. Either an element is checked out (reserved) in a view that still exists and you are unable to checkin the element because:
    1. The checkout is in a snapshot view (and the user is unavailable to perform the checkin or cancel the checkout).
    2. The view is inaccessible.

  2. The view has been removed incorrectly leaving checked out references in the VOB.


There are two solutions to this problem:

1. Uncheckout the element(s)

  • If the view exists and you do not care about losing the changes in the view
  • If the view no longer exists

See technote 1122515 which provides instructions on how to remove all the checkout references from a view using the cleartool rmview -uuid command.

2. Change the checkout status of the elements(s) from reserved to unreserved

The element that is checked out reserved can be set to unreserved.

Review the ClearCase Command Reference Guide on the topic of unreserve (cleartool man unreserve) for more information.

There are two scenarios that use slighltly different methods to achive the same results. These scenarios depend on the availablity of the view and the ability of a user to start and or set into the view itself.

View is Available -- The view can be accessed and the checkout status can be directly changed.

View is Unavailable -- The view cannot be accessed directly.


If you can start and set into the view that has the checkouts, but do not want to checkin the data and do not want to lose the changes that were made in that view, you can simply change the reserve status directly in one of two ways:

Command Line


  1. From either ClearCase Explorer or Windows Explorer, right click on the element and select Properties of Version

    Windows Explorer example:

  2. Uncheck the Reserved check box and click OK to make the version checkedout unreserved.

Command line:

  1. Open a command prompt (Start > Run and type cmd)

  2. Set into the view and cd down to the directory where the element is located.


    M:\>cd my_view\my_vob\docs

  3. Type cleartool unreserve to change the reserve status of the checkout.


    M:\my_view\my_vob\docs>cleartool unreserve bar.txt
    Changed checkout to unreserved for "bar.txt" branch "\main".


This example would be an option for a snapshot view that is currently disconnected from the network which has changes that can't be lost.

Once the element is changed to an unreserved checkout, another view can then check the element out reserved, make changes, and then check it back in.

Command Line:

  1. Open a command prompt (Start > Run and type cmd)

  2. CD into a view down to the directory where the element is located.


    M:\>cd my_view\my_vob\docs

  3. Type cleartool lsco -long . This will show which view has this element checked out reserved.


    M:\my_view\my_vob\docs>cleartool lsco -long bar.txt
    checkout version "bar.txt" from \main\0 (reserved)
    by view: user_view_with_checkout

  4. Type cleartool unreserve -view to change the reserve status of the checkout.


    M:\my_view\my_vob\docs>cleartool unreserve -view
    hostname:D:\Views\user_name\user_view_with_checkout.vws bar.txt
    Changed checkout to unreserved for "bar.txt" branch "\main".

  5. Type cleartool lsco -long again to verify the file is listed as an unreserved checkout now.


    M:\my_view\my_vob\docs>cleartool lsco -long bar.txt
    checkout version "bar.txt" from \main\0 (unreserved)
    by view: user_view_with_checkout

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