Accessing previous versions of an element from CCRC

Starting in CCRC version 7, you can access a previous version as detailed in technote 1209312.

In version 2003.06.14 through 2003.06.16, you can access a previous version of an element using a non-UCM view as detailed in these steps:

1. You need a non-UCM view created using a full version of ClearCase.

Note: If you only have access to CCRC, then you will need assistance from someone with access to a local install of ClearCase who can create the view with the syntax of the config spec you need.

2. The view's config spec must be set accordingly, to select the element version that you need to access:

· You can use a config spec like the following to get to the version of the element you need:

element * CHECKEDOUT
element * /main/LATEST


To get version
/main/integration/10 of file test.c from the src directory if the VOB called \test_vob you could use the following:

element * CHECKEDOUT
element /vobs/test_vob/src/test.c /main/integration/10
element * /main/LATEST

When you create your CCRC view,

When you create your view from CCRC, click the drop-down arrow to select a config spec, and choose Fetch a list of view tags to browse...:

The window will reset, and when you select the drop-down again, it will list the views that are available for you to base your CCRC view off of, and Choose the view that has the config spec that selects the element version that you need to access:

Once the view is loaded, you can get the contents of the file, save them to your local machine.

Note: If necessary, you can copy and paste the changes you need from a previous version into the most recent version of the file, using the original CCRC view.

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